local te local fstring.char local cstring.sub local ncat local smath.ldexp local Fgetfenv or function ()return ENV end local lsetmetatable.

If you execute the script you automatically agree to the TOS. Not a member of Pastebin yet Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features getgenv ().Zenkai true -Automatically increase Zenkai boost. We log your roblox username, hwid and in which game you used roxhub for security purposes only, we do not share this information. local SynapseXenIIlIliilselect local te local SynapseXenilIlIstring.sub local SynapseXenIllIistring.char local SynapseXenIiIiIlilIilIIIIlIiIItype local ncat local unpackunpack local. Using Dark Dex while using roxhub will get you blacklisted. Using a remote spy while using roxhub will automatically get you blacklisted. Sure, we basically rely on Rox Hub being compatible with most free exploits and it should work fine with any exploit

Rox Hub always tries to be as secure as possible and undetectable, even though it may sometimes be detectable. Where do I get the key to use Rox Hub and why do I have to put a key? You can get the Rox Hub key in our discord group which you can find an invitation in the script We implement a key in Rox Hub so that all users who use Rox Hub are informed about our script